Sunday, March 21, 2010


Here I am actually writing a blog. I never really thought I would have enough to say to fill a blog, but here I am. I was inspired by my friend Christina who writes The Ramblings of a Closet Writer. I figured if anything, it would be a way to creatively express myself and to sort of be more in-tune with who I am. In every day life, it's so easy to get caught up in routine, that I often forget to concentrate on me and my thoughts. I think writing is a great tool to do this. Now, as to whether anyone will be interested in what I have to say is another idea altogether!

I am 36 and have been married to my perfect match for 16 years. We have a son who will turn 4 this June. We both took a while to finish college. My husband, taking the quickest route after vacillating on career choices, with a BA. And me finally deciding that dammit I should get a degree in something I absolutely loved - art. I have had a varied work career which has ranged from hostess, receptionist, waitress, retirement planning, waitress, life insurance sales, waitress, and now teaching. Aside from a couple of internships, I have not had a job in art (I'm still working on that - wish me luck). While finishing my art degree and subsequently after my son was born, waiting tables was the perfect solution. I could be home with my son during the day and still maintain a flexibility if I had an upcoming show. But the older my son got, the more difficult being gone at night proved to be. As well as my continually bruised pride at being a waitress - regardless of working in one of the best restaurants in town. So the decision was made to look for a job. I agonized at the thought of working during my son's breaks at school. I had resisted the thought of teaching all my life. But under my current circumstances, teaching was the perfect fit to share financial responsibility with my husband and continue to be available to my son. My thought was how could a job be so bad if you're working with kids. And in that aspect, I really do love my job. I get attached easily - especially to the ones' who's home life isn't the best. But the endless paperwork, long hours to get the paperwork done, testing, and meetings are the things that make me realize this particular job is not for me.

My husband and I are, for the moment, trying to get pregnant again. I was an only child, so I never wanted my child to be an only child. We've been trying since last August with 2 miscarriages - well, 1 miscarriage & 1 that I had to have a DNC. I don't know how much longer I can keep on trying though. The longer we are unsuccessful, the older we get. We'll see... I've mentally put our stopping point for the end of this summer.

Alright, I think I'm rambling. It's time for me to finish up so I can have a few hours of my latest guilty obsession - the Twilight series! It has completely taken me over. I can't stop thinking of it when I can't read the books. I'm on Eclipse right now. It's a lot of fun though because a book hasn't taken me over like this in a LONG time. What a treat.

I'm sure I'm just sending this out to the void, but if anyone is reading, thanks for honoring me with your time. As this is my very first entry, I hope to only get more interesting as time progresses.

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